
Do something you can’t do anywhere else: earn your bachelor’s degree in automotive restoration technology.


参观汽车修复设施, 参见教员演示, and meet one-on-one with faculty and students in the program. Students are encouraged to visit early in their senior year as enrollment in the Automotive Restoration Technology Program is limited.


Individuals interested in studying Automotive Restoration Technology must be admitted separately to the program after being admitted to the College. Enrollment in the Automotive Restoration Technology Program is limited to 50 新生包括5名持有学位的转学生. To be admitted into the Automotive Restoration Technology Program, an applicant must:

  1. 申请最火的十个赌博软件. Submit the free, online application to 最火的十个赌博软件.
  2. 提交所需文件. High school students/first-time freshmen must provide a state-certified high school transcript or GED and corresponding standardized test scores. Transfer students must provide official copies of transcript(s) from all college(s) and an official copy of high school transcripts or a GED certificate. 参见招生要求页面.
  3. 最火的十个赌博软件录取通知书. You will be notified if all requirements are met and you are accepted to 最火的十个赌博软件.
  4. 应用 for candidacy to the Automotive Restoration Program. Prepare and upload a portfolio, essay and resume to Slideroom.  请参阅下面的上传要求.
    • Transcripts submitted for acceptance to the college will be considered in the review process. AR项目的有力候选人将获得3分.高中或累计转学GPA为0或更高.
  5. 录取面试. 学生提交作品集后, an admissions representative will reach out to schedule an interview for acceptance into the program.
    • There will be 2 acceptance dates: Early November and early February. The first round of portfolios must be submitted by October 31st 进入第一轮录取. The second round of portfolios must be submitted by January 31st 进入第二轮录取.
    • Faculty will review portfolios and an admissions representative will contact the ones they would like to move on to the interview portion in early November and again in early February.
    • Please note – it will take approximately one month from the time final portfolios are received, 举行面试, and final candidates are selected before final decisions are released.
  6. 提交入学保证金. Upon acceptance into the Automotive Restoration Program, students must submit a $250 deposit to reserve their place. The non-refundable deposit will be applied to her/his tuition. Early applications are encouraged because the size of the program is limited. Please do not submit your deposit until you hear about acceptance into the automotive restoration program. Depositing before you have been accepted will not guarantee your spot in the program. 


The 捐赠奖学金 listed below have been established through the generosity and desire of our donors to assist future generations of students in attending 最火的十个赌博软件. These gifts fund the existing 最火的十个赌博软件 Scholarship and Grant Program. 学生必须完成 FAFSA 待考虑.


These scholarships are available for students to apply for after their first year within the Automotive Restoration program.

  • FJ基金会奖学金- FJ 基金会
  • 富兰克林俱乐部/大卫·T. 多曼纪念奖学基金 琼·多曼和H.H. 富兰克林俱乐部
  • 弗雷德·杜森伯格纪念奖学金 Jay Leno和Peter Heydon
  • 沙龙和大卫休伊特捐赠奖学金
  • 霍尔顿家庭纪念奖学金 约翰·霍尔顿一家
  • 杰克逊家庭纪念奖学金 Craig Jackson and the Barrett-Jackson Auction Company
  • Meguiar 家庭 Endowed Scholarship in Automobile Restoration – 美光汽车护理产品
  • 卵石滩优雅广场® 奖学金, Pebble Beach Company 基金会 and 卵石滩优雅广场®
  • 〇劳斯莱斯基金奖学金 劳斯莱斯的基础

除了这些优秀的奖学金, 最火的十个赌博软件 is pleased to recognize the following donors who provide scholarship funds to assist our students. We are grateful for their generous support of the Automotive Restoration Technology Program.


  • 美国布加迪俱乐部
  • 美国古董汽车俱乐部
  • 美国老爷车俱乐部
  • 收藏家基金会
  • 美国皇冠维多利亚协会
  • 盖恩斯·布鲁信托公司
  • F基因. 万斯纪念奖学金
  • 美国无马马车俱乐部
  • Jay Leno/Popular Mechanics
  • mcpherson地区巡洋舰
  • 梅赛德斯-奔驰美国
  • 美国梅赛德斯-奔驰俱乐部有限公司.
  • 福特国际俱乐部t型车
  • Pebble Beach Company 基金会 Phil Hill 奖学金, Pebble Beach Company 基金会 and 卵石滩优雅广场®


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